High Quality Legumes

Tradition synonymous with quality and authenticity

"Terre di Chiesa" is the project conceived by the Azienda Agricola Mulinello and dedicated to the legumes of the Leonfortese territory. It is the brand that distinguishes the company\'s commitment to protecting and enhancing this extraordinary heritage, that of legumes, typical local products made according to the centuries-old rural tradition that preserves its quality and authenticity.

Terre ddi Chiesa is a leading company in the cultivation and marketing of the following products: black lentils, white lentils, broad beans, shelled beans, black chickpeas, white chickpeas and grass peas. Extraordinary and unique products with a high protein content.

Peaches of Leonforte

September fishing

The Azienda Agricola Mulinello, always attentive to the enhancement of its territory, has enriched the "Terre di Chiesa" project with the addition of another product, the famous Leonforte\'s Peach. It is a variety of fishing cultivated exclusively in the Leonforte area following a particular technique, synthesis of ancient methodologies and a particular climate that makes its maturation unique. The exclusive feature of this variety is the bagging of the individual fruits on the tree, a practice that is carried out starting from the second half of June. Instead, in September, the harvest takes place. The "Terre di Chiesa" basket is further enriched with Leonforte\'s jams and canned peaches.

Terre di Chiesa

Our products

the Flavors

Some typical traditional dishes

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